Monday, July 30, 2007

20.) San Carlos - A Wonderful Place

After about an 80 mile boring ride where we saw nothing of interest except fire and a penis shaped cactus, we bounded into San Carlos. It was so wonderful that we stayed for several days. This little town is on the waters of the Sea of Cortez. It is a tourist town, but it is for Mexicans. Hence, no Burger Kings, no Starbucks, no street vendors, nothing like that. Just a beautiful quiet place with a wonderful beach, good food, and cheap hotels. This would be a very good place to spend an extended time.

There is cell phone and internet service up the yang.

This is the main drag along the town. Very quiet and peaceful.

The best beer of the entire trip.

Me and Jimmy in all our coolness as we ponder our good fortune.

The best (and most expensive at $12 bux) meal of the entire trip.

Across the lagoon at dusk. Though our cameras would not capture the images, there is an island in the middle of the lagoon that supports a seal colony.

Similar shot in daylight.

I like this shot Jim took.

Fog rolls in.

During the time we stay in San Carlos, we explore the area. The following shots are from the general vicinity. I especially like the "cactus farm".

There are hundreds of miles of dual sport capable trails in this area. You will learn of the freaky fruits of the exploration of one of those trails in the next installment of this blog!

Stray dogs abound. Even sunning themselves in the middle of the desert.

Somebody had to plant these things. They are too regularly placed to be natural.

In all, San Carlos is our favorite location of the entire trip. It is beautiful, it is laid back, and it has good American style coffee. A very good time was passed in these environs.

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