First, the city itself was just like any other big Mexican city. Ugly, poorly marked, dangerous to drive in, and generally un-cool. So we made our way to the beach area as soon as we could.
The driving in Mazatlan was absolute madness. Buses would simply squeeze the bikes out of our lanes. I almost got T boned once. The aggression of the drivers was bordering on hysterical. This city was without a doubt the most un-nerving I have ever ridden in.
The following is an example of the sorts of motels lining the strip. Oddly enough, there is very little in the way of touristy stuff around. We actually wanted to buy some tourist trinkets to send home, but were left wanting for a lack of a place to buy them.
The beach is beautiful, however, and the beachfront is well maintained. Here are Jimmy and me soaking it up rather reluctantly after leaving the wonderfulness that was El Quelite.
Another beach / bike shot.
On the beach was this castle inspired sort of building, probably a hotel of some sort. It was interesting in an over the top, Disneyland sort of way.
After experiencing Mazatlan for about half an hour, we found ourselves wanting to get out of the city, so we mounted our steeds and headed for... You guessed it...
I have seen dung heaps that are more beautiful than this hole in the wall. It has not one ounce of estrogen in the entire town. Nothing but paint, dirt, and a never ending stream of trucks loaded with freshly picked jalapeno peppers.
This is the view from the front of our hotel. That is actually a broken down road grader on the side of the road. The liquid is raw sewage running across the street. Unbelievably ugly town.
Here, Jim takes a short cruise marveling at its ugliness.
We went to get some food. There were three restaurants in town. We refused to eat at two of them. Finally, we went into the third. We ordered a small order of tacos. We were not comfortable in eating them, so we went down the street and dined on junk food from the local Pemex. Ice Cream and Penguinos. My kind of meal!
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