I negotiate a month off with bossman in return for a good performance I delivered on a project last year. Jim has an even better idea. He just quits his job all together. April 21, 2007 is leaving day. Jim is the long hair. I am the one with the cool glasses (and bike).
This is my baby seeing me off for a month.
She gave me a stuffed animal to travel with. I also have some good luck fake roses she gave me that are stuffed in between my dashboard and my windshield. They keep me safe on the road and have been very precious to me since I got them from her. Actually, as we were coming into Hermosillo and it was near dusk, my roses blew out from behind the windshield. We had to backtrack and find those roses. I finally found them, and put them in a safer location. I still have them to keep me safe on the road.
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