The ride is terrible. It is on toll roads exclusively, which are VERY expensive, and bikes cost the same as cars and trucks. We ride for two entire days with nothing positive happening at all, unless you count almost getting killed repeatedly by crazy truckers and bus drivers.
Make no mistake about it. South of Guaymas, drivers turn posessed. They do all manner of things that make bikers just cringe.
At one point we are caught on the autopista at night at a military check point. This is the only time Jimmy is cross with Kenny on the whole trip. Can't say as I really blame him for his frustration, but hey, what's a guy to do? Snap his fingers and make a Howard Johnson's appear?
Finally, we reach the high point of this two day segment of the trip. It is the Tropic of Cancer. By now, I am so pissed off that I just go piss on it. The leg of the sign that is. Jimmy climbs the hill and caresses the ball of the Tropic.
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