This next spot is one of my favorites. We took a lunch under a few of the trees, and enjoyed our Penguinos and cookies. Life was very good at that moment.
You could have some serious Enduro fun on the hills and whoops in this area. We did not do it though because we did not want to unload then reload.
The beastly KLR...
The beautiful Beemer...
This is one of my favorite pictures of the whole trip. Don't ask me why. It just was very peaceful at that spot.
We get back into some curves. This area is quite remote. No little towns to speak of. The golden sunlight of the late afternoon is truly beautiful.
Along the way, we decided to visit the next pretty cemetery we came across. I was riding first and came upon one, and whipped into the gravel parking lot. About the time my kickstand went down, I hear this horrible grinding sound. It was Jimmy crashing his bike. Too bad my camera was set up for flourescent lighting, or this moment would have been immortalized.
We called crashes "Crying Babies". The vision was to get some stickers with crying baby faces on them and stick one to our panniers each time we crashed. The problem was that we did not crash enough to justify the expense. I crashed twice, and Jimmy only crashed this once. (And one of mine did not count, because it was in a wet parking lot in San Antonio on the first day of the trip. Well, on second thought, it really ought to count double!)
The cemetery we were anxious to see.
I particularly loved this one. The handmade marker says "Your wife and Your sons".
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